Archive for 12 September 2010


Pattern of Healthy Living Tips

1. Reduce foods high in fat, like butter, margarine, and coconut milk. Better to get a natural fat intake from nuts or seeds. Forget the viscera, brain, foods thick coconut milk, chicken skin and egg yolks. Choose lean meats, foods nodes, low-fat milk, soy milk, yogurt, egg whites, and fish as a good source of protein

2. As much as possible to avoid food or preservatives which in the long term can be a trigger cancer.

3. Choose foods or beverages that natural white (not in-bleach). Use food coloring from brown cafe example of cocoa, strowbery red, turmeric yellow, and green leaves, suji. Do not add sauce, soy sauce, salt and spices flavoring excessive. Expand to eat fruit and vegetables.

4. Food processing techniques also affect the quality of food. Choose foods with a cooking method steamed, boiled, or pan-fried with a little oil.

5. Expand drinking water, minerals, eight glasses a day, avoid alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and beverages with high sugar and caffeine content. Vegetables and fruit juice to keep and maintain good health.


TIPS recovering from CANCER

'CANCER. Why me? What should I do to recover? "
You have just sentenced CANCER. How not CANCER already come and you do not know when he's gone. Do not panic, stay calm and pray. Combating cancer should be performed as well as people at war, that is using the strategy.
CANCER unknown term in the series. The stakes are your life and its limitations is time. What is needed is a long-term stamina and spirit. To win you have to be a marathon runner, not a sprinter.
So what's the key to success in the war against cancer? Starting with the two main principles, which recognize the opponent (cancer that attacks you) and identify yourself. You are the best doctor for yourself.
How do you know that attack cancer? The questions below can be a reference: You are suffering from a tumor or cancer?

* What type of cancer? Carcinoma, Sarcoma, Leukemia or Lymphoma
* The organs of the body affected by cancer?
* Already the stadium how many?
* Are these CANCER already spread to other organs?
To obtain accurate results, do a check and ricek. Confirm your type of cancer that attacks from at least two or three cancer specialists (oncologists) as well as from the results of a test lab checks 'Tumor Markers'.
Perform search as well as much information as possible on the Internet so you can be sure that type of cancer, commonly used therapies, factors inhibiting / accelerate its growth.
After knowing your opponent, the next step is to analyze yourself. When cancer comes, it's time you flash back, introspection. CANCER can be said to signal the body to slow down, relax and flow with life.
The questions below can be used as a first step:

* Lifestyle: Routine is what he is doing every day? When was your last workout routine? How many hours a day do you sleep?
* The pattern of eating / drinking: food / drink what you like?
* Behavior: what is the dominant emotion in your life? Write a list of negative emotions (easily stressed, vengeful, angry, dissatisfied, envious, etc.) or positive (generous, is not easy to despair, willing to learn, etc.)
* Relationship: write the name of the people closest to you. Is there a problem not solved a long time?
* Spirituality: the last time you spoke with The Above?
Know the enemy and know yourself gives you an understanding of the battlefield that you are facing. This will help you choose a strategy to combat cancer.
* STRATEGY 1: Cancer should be treated
CANCER the disease not easy, so you can not sit idly by and hope that everything will be ok. But you also need not naive and try a variety of treatments to offer your own tired, poor and do not fall too well. You need to wise.
In general, you will face the choice of two types of cancer treatment, namely western medicine with conventional therapies (chemotherapy, radiotherapy. Surgery, etc.) or Eastern medicine such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, yoga, etc..
CANCER treatment from the West are like ammunition: you buy a variety of weapons (from pistols to rocket) to bombard your enemies - the CANCER. But remember: instead of recovering, which is your body's defenses can also be destroyed diroket and the enemy can come back with double strength exhausted if not eradicated. Also like a rocket, this treatment is also expensive.
CANCER treatment from the east are like kung fu training. Your forces, namely the white blood cells will be given a stimulus against an enemy that is so advanced cancer cells. Like kung fu training, treatment is usually relatively CANCER eastern style takes time. But the benefits: more lasting, no side effects, and actually the best defense mechanism in the long term.
To get optimal results, you should hold the east and west in the fight against cancer.
What features / marks a good treatment? Sign is such treatment must be able to combat cancer, reduce the pain caused by cancer and prevent cancer does not arise again. Consider the following tips before choosing a method of therapy:

* Therapy reasonable (reasonable) and convince you that can precisely target cancer of the diseases that confront you.
* You are comfortable enough with these therapies
* Pain or side effects due to therapy can be within the limits of your responsibilities in the long term
* Therapy well within the ability of your economy (long term)
Fitting adage 'You are what you eat'. Effect of food in your health is enormous. You now have a lot to consume fruits and vegetables and avoiding fatty foods, baked or fried.
However you should still have an appetite. What's life without your appetite? So choose the type of foods that are healthy and who can you love & enjoy. Your appetite is your drive to live! So keep your appetite alive!
Here are some tips for a healthy diet for cancer patients:

* Cook and prepare your food at home. Avoid eating out if you want to win the war against cancer. The reason is simple: food outside, you do not know the content in it such as: oil, salt, flavor, and other additives.
* Avoid fried foods and foods that contain lots of fat, including butter / margarine, because it is not good for your liver. If you must use oil, use olive oil.
* Note: the color is too white sugar is also not good. Reduce consumption of meat. Then how do you get protein? The answer is simple, namely from nuts, wheat, etc..
* Many of the consumption of green vegetables. To obtain a wide variety of nutrients, consume various kinds of fruits, nuts and vegetables. To the extent possible, eat vegetables raw or cooked but not too long.
* Expand to drink juice made from fruits and vegetables, for example: carrots, celery and apple juice.
* Consumption of lots of fresh fruits
* Avoid all kinds of canned foods, smoked, baked or marinated
'Heart of the joy is a drug' such proverbs. To fight cancer, you should be happy. Because in a healthy soul, there is a will to live a new high.
Did you know that you created with extraordinary for a single purpose in this world? Did you know that you are precious in the eyes of the Almighty? Often this life we live with the complicated - complicated. We live to get recognition, appreciation from others. Yet life must be lived with the flow and nrimo attitude, be grateful. Thus we can lead a stress-free life.
No less important is getting enough sleep and enough exercise. Enough sleep is important for employment in the liver to absorb toxins. Besides sports are also important to reduce stress and get a free oxygen which is essential for the body.
Hopefully the above tips useful for you who want to recover from cancer. Good luck and VIVA LIFE!


How to fight Cancer a battle plan to fight against cancer ?

This is our suggestion for your battle plan: fight cancer the Cancer Care Therapy way.

1. Give your total commitment to fight the disease
2. Seek proper medical advice
3. Take herbs
4. Eat rightly
5. Lead a stress- free life

When we think of war, what comes uppermost to our mind is Vietnam. Mighty America went to the battle field with the most sophisticated gadgets and weapons of war. Might, terror money and brain went into the fight to win. The Vietnamese had primitive weaponry and burrowed them selves into the ground to avoid the mighty Americans. The world knows, the Vietnamese won the war!

Perhaps fighting cancer is like the above war ? Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy etc, are advanced, mighty fire power. Cancer cells are just tiny enemies floating and circulating around in the blood stream that later attach them selves to certain tissues of the body. Can these awesome treatments destroy all cancerous cells yet at the same time not destroy the host i.e.. you and your living systems ?

In our strategy to fight cancer, while we advise you to seek the assistance of modern medicine, we also feel you should benefit from the traditional methods of healing. We think you should help your body to build or rebuild a strong immune system. Let your own body’s defence system destroy or fight the cancerous cells. Fight the war from within! The mighty, sophisticated weaponry of modern medicine may not be totally effective!

1. Total Commitment to fight the disease.

This is your battle, not ours. We help you with our advice but you have to fight the battle yourself. Indeed, it is also your last fight. And if you do not have that fighting spirit, no one else can help you.

Some people may comment that taking the Typhonium Flagelliforme capsule can be harmful; surely, it cannot be worse than chemotherapy! Sometimes, taking herbs can make your stomach churn for one or two days. Then, you give up. If you have doubts you can take anything, the suspicious brain sends suspicious signals and your body reacts negatively.

We have not come across anyone taking Typhonium Flagelliforme who later suffer from adverse side effects. We are also aware that it is difficult to change a stubborn or unbelieving attitude. A friend once told us of a doctor who said, Eating herbs is like eating grass, implying that those who eat herbs are cows! If you have that frame of mind, then this battle plan is not for you. You have lost the battle even before it starts.

Referring to the comment of the learned doctor, we have this to say: cows only eat grass, and because they only eat grass, we do not hear of cows having serious problems like cancer, heart attacks or diabetes. It is because human beings are not cows or do not (only) eat grass that we have all these man-made killer diseases.

2. Seek proper medical advice

If you have cancer, we urge you to seek proper medical advice. We absolutely believe that the role of modern medicine should not be ignored. All along we also advocate that you need to seek the best and benefit from both modern and traditional medicines.

As you will probably know, doctors have the following options for you:

• Surgery – cut and remove the diseased cancerous tissue.
• Radiotherapy – use high energy rays to burn and kill the surrounding tissues.
• Chemotherapy – inject poisonous chemicals into your body in the hope of killing the cancerous cells. This unfortunately also kills your good cells and weakens the immune system of your body.
• In advanced countries, you can undergo a bone marrow transplant. In this case, the doctor tries to kill everything in your body and then grow a new life system in you.
• If all these fail, the doctor gives up. You have come to the end of the road. The doctor sends you home with a good supply of pain killers or morphine. You are ready to die. They call that palliative management.

Many of those who came to us have undergone the first three medical steps and are at the fifth. From the experiences of these people, we conclude that there are at least two types of doctors.

One, there is the doctor who is understanding. He knows his job yet admits his knowledge is limited. Your are lucky to have him as your doctor. Go to him for help. He may not object to your taking traditional herbs as supplements.

There is, however, the other kind of doctor who thinks that only his treatment is the best. Absolutely no herbs. Adhere strictly to his treatment or he shows you the door. This God-like attitude is most unfortunate. Avoid this kind of doctor if you can. Shop around for the first kind. If you have no choice and are compelled to go to this man-God, simply do not let him know that you are taking herbs. Anyway, if there is nothing wrong taking fresh orange or apple juice, what is the big fuss about taking fresh green juice extracted from a Typhonium Flagelliforme?

3. Alternative way take Extract:

They are many available herbs in market for cancer. Our recommendation to cure from cancer is to consume capsule Typhonium Flagelliforme.

4. Eat Rightly: Food for healthy living.

In a booklet, Patients’ Handbook on Chemotherapy, handed out by the Cancer Hospital the following is written:

Q14: Is there any special nutritional advice I should follow ? There is no particular food that you should avoid. It is important to have a well-balanced diet, one that is high in protein... Examples of food that are high in protein are meat, fish, egg, milk etc.

• Cook and prepare your food at home. Avoid eating out. To say this to Penangites (who live in a hawkers’ paradise) is depressing but all the same we repeat: absolutely no hawker food if you want to win this war. The reason for this simple. You do not know what goes into the food you eat
– oil, salt, additives, etc. you need live and not dead food.

• Avoid fried and oily food. This include butter and margarine. They are not good for the liver. If you have to use oil at all, use olive oil. Avoid too much salt. Note also that refined white sugar is not good.

• Reduce meat intake to the minimum. Some may ask. Where then can I get my protein? The answer is simple. From beans and grains, etc.

• Take plenty of vegetables of all kinds, especially the green cruciferous types. In order to have diverse nutrition, take beans and other fruit vegetables. Where possible, take vegetables raw or in the least cooked form. Do not overcook them.

• Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Bathe your entire inner body with this living fluid. This means you need to drink plenty of such juices. Try carrot, celery, apple juices. Note: just one glass is not enough!

• Take plenty of fresh fruits. Again, just a slice or two is not eating fruits!

• Absolutely avoid all canned or processed food. For some people, having to take fresh juices and fruits can be cumbersome – the peeling, extraction, washing etc. the convenient thing to do then is to resort to canned or bottled materials. Stop that entirely. You are just killing yourself.

If you are not used to the above diet, take it easy and make the changes gradually. Soon you will get used to it. To many, this diet is a radical change from rich, tasty meat dishes to bland vegetarian fare. But, do not grumble. The ancient Chinese wisdom of defining good healthy food cannot be wrong!

5. Lead a stress-free life.

In the book, Imperial Secrets of Health and Longevity, Bob Flaws wrote, Westerners did not know how to live healthy lives ... a long as patients did not eat right and live moderately, they either continued to be sick or got sick again soon.

In short, let us sum up the wisdom of the Chinese health theory: to conserve one’s life, do everything in moderation and lead a stress-free life.

Anger arouses the ascent of qi Joy induces sluggishness of the qi
Excessive sorrow dissipates the qi Fear causes the deceit of the qi
Fright causes the disturbance of the qi And worry causes stagnation of the qi
[In Lin & Flaws: The Dao of Increasing Longevity and Conserving One’s Life]

Your sick body needs help to rebuild it self. The immune system within you needs to fight these cancerous cells. Therefore, it is most sensible for you to do your part to conserve your qi and not abuse and waste it unnecessarily.


Who Gets Cancer?

Over one million people get cancer each year. Approximately one out of every two American men and one out of every three American women will have some type of cancer at some point during their lifetime. Anyone can get cancer at any age; however, about 77% of all cancers are diagnosed in people age of 55 and older. Although cancer occurs in Americans of all racial and ethnic groups, the rate of cancer occurrence (called the incidence rate) varies from group to group.

Today, millions of people are living with cancer or have been cured of the disease. The sooner a cancer is found and the sooner treatment begins, the better a patient's chances are of a cure. That's why early detection of cancer is such an important weapon in the fight against cancer.


Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer as a cause of death reported no one in INDONESIA. At least every two minutes there is one person in the world who die of cervical cancer.
The main cause of cervical cancer strongly suspected viral infection HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical cancer in its early stages does not cause symptoms. New symptoms occur when cells of cervical cancer has invaded surrounding tissues, namely in the form:

* Bleeding is not normal: beyond the menstrual cycle, after sexual intercourse, or after a pelvic exam
* Chronic leucorrhoea, with features including: a thick, yellow / brown, can be foul-smelling and / or itching
* Severe pelvic pain
In advanced stages, cervical cancer symptoms may include discharge of urine and feces from the vagina. Cervical Cancer Diagnosis
To diagnose cervical cancer, is usually carried out the examination:

* Pap smear tests
* Liquid-based cervical cytology examination (SSBC).
* Vaginal fluid diluted to separate cancer cells (more sensitive)
* Inspection SSBC plus HPV DNA
* Colposcopy: binoculars cervix (cervical)
* Biopsy of cervical tissue
* Pelvic Examination
DEVELOPMENT Cervical Cancer
Doctors will use the diagnostic results above to determine your cancer stage.

* Stage 0 (Carsinoma in Situ): cervical cancer cells are found only in the innermost layer of the cervix / cervical
* Stage I: cancer is found in the cervix only.
* Stage II: cancer has spread beyond the cervix but not to pelvic wall or bottom third of the vagina.
* Stage III: Cervical cancer has spread to the lower third of the vagina, may have spread to the pelvic wall, and / or has caused kidney does not function
* Stage IV: Cervical cancer has spread to the bladder, rectum, or other parts of the body (lung, bone, liver, etc.)

Cervical Cancer Surgery Cervical cancer can be treated with surgery.

* Konisasi (cone biopsy): the creation of a cone-shaped incision in the cervix and cervical canal to be studied by a pathologist. Used for diagnosis or treatment of cervical pre-cancer
* Cryosurgery: is treatment with a way to freeze and destroy abnormal tissue (usually for stage cervical pre-cancer)
* Laser Surgery: to cut the tissue or surface lesions on cervical cancer
* Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP): using an electric current that is passed on a thin wire to cut the abnormal tissue of cervical cancer
* Total hysterectomy: removal of entire uterus and cervix
* Radical hysterectomy: removal of entire uterus and cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes and nearby lymph nodes.

Pre-stage cancer or a less invasive cervical cancer (stage IA) is usually treated with hysterectomy. If the patient still wants to have children, LEEP or cone biopsy method may be an option.
For stage IB cervical cancer early and IIA:

* The size of tumors smaller than 4cm: radical hysterectomy or radiotherapy with / without chemo
* The size of tumors larger than 4cm: radiotherapy and cisplatin-based chemotherapy, hysterectomy, or cisplatin-based chemotherapy followed by hysterectomy

Figure Illustration Hysterectomy 

Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy on Cervical Cancer 

 Advanced cervical cancer (IIB-IVA) can be treated with radiotherapy and cisplatin-based chemotherapy. At a very advanced stage (IVB), the physician may consider a combination of chemo drugs, such as hycamtin and cisplatin.
For the type of invasive cervical cancer, usually surgery and radiotherapy are the most common treatment used. Chemotherapy or biological therapy is sometimes used.
The types of radiotherapy for cervical cancer:

* External: large machine aimed at the pelvic area. Usually given five days @ a few minutes per session a week for 5-6 weeks
* Internal: use a capsule of radioactive material grown in the cervical area for 1-3 days, then can be repeated several times over 1-2 weeks.
Typhonium PLUS ® for cervical cancer For those of you who develop cervical cancer, can also consume Typhonium Plus ® - a herbal concoction (100% NATURAL) is efficacious to improve the immune system to fight cervical cancer cells.
Extract Typhonium Flagelliforme (Keladi Tikus) and other natural ingredients to help detoxification of the blood tissue. This herb contains a ribosome inacting protein (RIP), which serves to disable the development of cancer cells, cancer cells without damaging eroded the surrounding tissue and block cancer cell growth.


Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a disease where there is excessive growth or uncontrolled growth of cells (tissue) breast, This could happen to women and men. From all over the world, penyakir breast cancer (Breast Cancer / Carcinoma mammae) reported as one cause of cancer death number five (5) after; kaker lung, cervical cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer.

* Causes of Breast Cancer

Spelled breast cancer the most common cancer attacking women, though men also have the possibility of having this disease with a comparison between the 1000. Until now it is not certain what causes this cancer occurs, but several factors likely are:

Age, disease increases breast cancer at the age of teenagers and upwards.

Genetically, there two types of genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2) that sagat possibly as a risk. If the mother or female relatives of breast cancer, then you likely have an increased risk of breast cancer two-fold compared to the other women in her family there was no single patient.

Use of drugs, for example a woman who uses hormone replacement therapy drugs (hormone replacement therapy (HRT)), such as exogenous hormones can cause increased risk of getting breast cancer.

Another factor that is suspected as the cause of breast cancer "are not married, married but no children, gave birth to her first child after age 35 years, never breastfeed.

Some studies reveal that breast cancer increased in people who often face stressful conditions (shaking the soul) and also for the previously menstruating woman under the age of 11 years.

* Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

For those of you who feel any strange lumps around the breast tissue or even one of the breasts look bigger, better consult a doctor quickly. These bumps are generally painless, ranging from small size that became large and palpable as embedded in the skin. Some cases of breast skin changes around the lump or change in the nipple.

Kanker Payudara

When the lump started to grow, then cause pain (pain) when pressed. If the pain is felt in the breast and nipple that does not go away, you should immediately consult a medical. Nipple into the contract, which was pink and finally become brown and even the existence of edema (swelling) around the nipple is one strong sign of breast cancer. Another thing is often out of fluid from the nipple when not nursing your baby.

* Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can be known with certainty by way of breast tissue samples that experienced pembenjolan (action biopsy). In this way they will know which type of cell growth is experienced, whether the tumor is benign or malignant tumor (cancer).

* Breast Cancer Type

Through the examination of the call with mammograms, so this type of breast cancer can be categorized into two parts, namely:

Tipe Kanker Payudara

Non-invasive breast cancer, cancer that occurs in the bag (tube) milk (a liaison between the alveoli (milk producing glands) and nipples). In the language of medicine called 'ductal carcinoma in situ "(DCIS), to which cancer has not spread to the outside of the network of the milk bag.

Invasive breast cancer, cancer that has spread beyond the milk bags and attack the surrounding tissue may even lead to the spread (metastases) assigned to other bodies such as the lymph lympa and others through blood circulation.

Breast Cancer Treatment

In the normal course of breast cancer treatment, a doctor may consider various factors, among others:

1. Cancer staging

O - called non-invasive breast cancer. There are two types: DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) and LCIS (lobular carcinoma in situ)
I - small invasive cancers (tumor size is smaller than 2 cm and are not attacking the lymph nodes)
II - invasive cancer (tumor size 2-5 cm and had invaded the lymph nodes)
III - large invasive cancers (tumor size> 5 cm and had a lump protruding into the surface of the skin, broken or bloody / purulent
IV - Cancer cells have bermetastesis / spread to other organs like lungs, liver, bone or brain

2. Grade of cancer

Ratings are G1, G2 & G3. Grade 3 is the ranking of the most aggressive and the worst recovery.
3. State of estrogen receptor (Estrogen Receptor-ER)

4. If ER is positive, the cancer cells may respond to hormone therapy such as tamoxifen. Specific conditions related to the patient, such as:

- Age of patients and the general health condition
- It's not menopause or
The main goal of cancer treatment at an early stage (primary) is to remove the tumor and tissue around the tumor clean. Radiation therapy can be done in certain circumstances.


In general, the smaller the tumor is usually a doctor will recommend surgery.

The types of surgery:
o Lumpectomy (removal of the tumor and the operation of the surrounding tissue). For DCIS and invasive cancer, usually followed by radiation therapy
o Total Mastectomy (surgical removal of the entire breast), but not including the lymph nodes under the armpit

Breast reconstruction (artificial breast) can be considered for women who underwent total Mastectomy.

Adjunctive treatment AND NEO-adjuvant next step in dealing with cancer aims to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence or spread. It should be understood that even in awalpun stage breast cancer can spread. Usually the doctor will recommend additional therapy. Is called adjuvant therapy when performed post-operative and is called neo-adjuvant therapy when performed before surgery.

Most adjuvant systemic therapy, which works through the bloodstream to reach cancer cells throughout the body. Adjuvant therapy for breast cancer can include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy with the drug trastuzumab (Herceptin ®), radiotherapy, or a combination of the above.

Adjuvant chemotherapy
Research has shown that adjuvant chemotherapy for early stage breast cancer, helping to prevent cancer from returning. Usually, more than one drug was given during adjuvant chemotherapy (called combination chemotherapy). For example, among others:
- CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-FU)
- FAC (5-Fu, doxorubicin, cyclophosmide)
- TAC (docetaxel, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide)
- GT (gemcitabine and paclitaxel)
- Etc.


Aims to suppress the production of the hormone estrogen is essential for tumor development.

a.Obat tamoxifen:
How it works is to inhibit the activity of estrogen in the body. Tamoxifen can be given to Premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

b. Drug aromatase inhibitors (AI)
How it works is to prevent the body make estrogen. Can be used by postmenopausal women after tamoxifen therapy or as a substitute for tamoxifen therapy. Not too effective for Premenopausal women.

Targeted THERAPY

a. Trastuzumab (Herceptin ®)
Targeted drug therapy is a monoclonal antibody given through intravenous infusion. This therapy is aimed at growth pemelopor proteins, known as HER2. It is estimated that approximately 20% of patients are HER2 positive breast cancer. HER2 positive breast cancer tends to grow and spread more aggressively. It should be noted that in very rare cases, trastuzumab can cause heart problems. The risk of heart problems was higher when trastuzumab is given with certain chemotherapy drugs like doxorubicin (adriamisin) and epirubicin (Ellence).

b. Lapatinib (Tykerb):

Is the target of drug therapy aimed at the HER2 protein. Currently its use is only granted in cases of advanced stage breast cancer, and is usually given together with chemotherapy drug capecitabine (Xeloda).

c. Bevacizumab (Avastin ®)

Is a monoclonal antibody that can be used in patients with breast cancer who had bermetastesis. These antibodies directed against the protein that helps tumors form new blood vessels. Bevacizumab is given by intravenous infusion. Often combined with the chemotherapy drug paclitaxel (Taxol).


Radiotherapy is usually given after surgery locally and can be given after mastectomy. For women with high risk, doctors can use radiation therapy after mastectomy to kill cancer cells that may remain in the breast tissue, such as chest wall or lymph nodes nearby.

- Prevention of Breast Cancer

For those of you who feel there are things that look different in the breast, get it checked out to doctors not to be late. For example the next enlargement, the presence of surrounding breast lump, pain in nipple continuously and so forth as in the caption above signs and symptoms of breast.

Other actions you can do is to avoid obesity, Eat less fat, Try to consume foods that contain lots of vitamins A and C, Do not eat too many salted and smoked foods, Exercise regularly, and breast check-ups since the age of 30 years on a regular basis .


Keladi Tikus

Keladi Tikus
Keladi Tikus, according to reference books for herbal medicine in China, Taiwan, etc. called Ban Xia Tu, or Tian Yu or Yu Laoshu. Its local name: little pleased, leaves panta milk, kalamayong, ileus, ki pig, pangolin mentik.
Keladi Tikus is a kind of taro plant shrubs with a height of 25 cm -30 cm, live at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.
keladi tikus    keladi tikus

RATS taro plant is bitter and slightly toxic. For the farmers in East Asia, this RAT taro plants are already familiar. When the villagers suffer from ulcers or other skin problems caused by poison, then pounded the pulp plant that is applied directly to the injured body area. The result: the pus out and the swelling reduced.
When the taro plant extracts RATS drunk, berkasiat to clean the toxins in the body, launched a public urination and cleanse the digestive system. Besides, it can also improve appetite and vitality for people who get tired.
This kind of taro shrub height only 25 cm -30 cm. He liked the place a moist & not exposed to direct sunlight at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Single leaf shaped like a heart with a pointed tip, arising from tubers and fresh green. Length of crown-shaped flowers resemble little white mouse with a tail, hence the name given taro-rats.

Keladi Tikus has long been studied by experts from various countries.
Prof Dr Chris K.H. Teo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia has long been researching this plant, the results extracted from taro root RATS effective for prostate cancer.
Research conducted by Choo Chee Yan from the School of Pharmacy University of Science Malaysia. Chee test the bulb and leaf extracts Keladi Tikus cytotoxic activity against P388 leukemia cells. In this research, to inhibit 50% of cancer cells, needed only 6.0 tg / ml chloroform extract of taro tuber RATS.
Lai Choo Sheen of Drug Research Center University of Science Malaysia anticancer compounds found in taro named fitol RATS. Fitol against cancer cells in two ways, namely: antiproliferasi specific manner and the second by inducing apoptosis (suicide).
In Indonesia itself has been much research done on this plant. Several studies have been published in magazines Trubus no 475/Edisi June 2009/XL, among others, research on the effectiveness of Keladi Tikus inhibit breast cancer cell line MCF-7 by Lucie Widowati - researchers at the Centre for Research and Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Development, MOH.
In addition Dr. Dyah Iswantini, a researcher at the Center for Medicinal IPB Studies also found that rats with water extract of taro 76.10% demineralization inhibiting the enzyme tyrosine (an enzyme thought to be a promoter of cancer development).
No less interesting is the result of research from Peni Indrayudha of Surakarta Muhammadiyah University Faculty of Pharmacy, which proves RATS taro leaf extract cut DNA chains of cancer cells (causing failed to grow).
Use of Keladi Tikus (in combination with various other herbs) in the treatment of various types of cancer has shown amazing results. Although the effectiveness of this plant has not been recommended by medical authorities, but based on our experience and observation of patients taking Typhonium Plus ® - namely herbal concoction based Keladi Tikus, we believe the effect is remarkable.
Many patients who are dying, after some time consuming Typhonium Plus ® condition gradually improved. In some people the pain is reduced, in others decreased by high fever, in some people it extend life, and in cancer patients who can not get up & running, after consuming Typhonium Plus ® can be up & running. For patients with chemo and radiotherapy, side effects of treatment are not too strongly felt and Typhonium Plus ® improve the patient's immune system so that patients can complete the whole circuit with good treatment.
Reinforcing feedback from patients who have consumed this Typhonium Plus ®, has provided a glimmer of hope for cancer sufferers.


Cancer Treatment - From East to West

Cancer TreatmentFrom East to West

CANCER? You're sad because someone you love has cancer. Can cancer be cured? Cancer treatment which should be selected?
For patients with cancer, time is precious. Do not waste time, energy and money by trial and error. Recognize the various methods of cancer treatment before choosing the best for your beloved.
Before you begin, understand that a good cancer treatment should meet the curative function (heal), palliative (pain reducing) and preventive (preventing the reemergence).
Now, let us identify the types of existing cancer treatments.In general there are two types of methods / approaches in the fight against cancer, namely: the treatment method and western-style east. Both are fundamentally different.
Cancer treatment, or better known as the eastern style of traditional medicine containing the main principles for improving immune / resistance of the body so it can fight cancer cells.
While western cancer treatments or better known as the main principle of modern medicine have to kill / destroy cancer cells.
If the analogy with cancer is a war where the enemy forces that attack the body's defense territories, the Eastern medicine to emphasize his war on the troops, while western medicine on ammunition.
Each type of cancer treatment has a plus & minusnya above. It is wise to hold the east & west in treating cancer.
Now let us look at each type of treatment.
Including the following: chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, monoclonal antibody therapy, hormone therapy, etc.. The main objective is to eradicate, to kill or alter the cancer cells.
A. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy has a working principle is to poison or kill cells - cancer cells, controlling the growth of cancer cells and stop its growth so as not to spread or to reduce the symptoms caused by cancer. Chemotherapy is a systematic, in contrast with radiation or surgery that is local, so chemotherapy can reach cancer cells that may have spread and spread to other parts of the body. The success rate of chemotherapy also varies depending on its type of cancer.
Side effects of chemotherapy is a decrease in the number of blood cells, infection, anemia, bleeding such as nosebleeds, hair loss, itching and dry skin, nausea and vomiting, dehydration, low blood pressure, constipation, diarrhea, nervous system disorders.
B. RADIATION (radiation)
Cancer treatment with radiation is usually done before or after surgery to shrink tumors. Radiation conducted in an attempt to destroy the tissues that have been affected by cancer.
Radiation side effects are nausea and vomiting, decreased white blood cell count, infection / inflammation, skin reactions such as sunburn, fatigue, pain in the mouth and throat, diarrhea and can cause baldness.
C. Surgery
Surgery is the treatment of cancer of the oldest. Some cancer often can be cured only with surgery if done at an early stage.NOTE: For some cases, the best cancer treatment is a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Surgery or radiation to treat cancer, whose land is limited, whereas chemotherapy aimed at killing cancer cells that are beyond the reach of surgery or radiation. Sometimes radiation or chemotherapy before surgery to minimize the size of the tumor or after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells that may remain.
Including the following: cancer treatment with herbal, acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, aromatherapy, music therapy, yoga, meditation, therapeutic touch, prayer therapy, etc..
Cancer treatment with herbal concoction is a treatment using a variety of extracts from plants, for example, extracts from Keladi Tikus (Extract Typhonium Flagelliforme) combined with other natural materials which are processed in a modern way, which can help stimulate blood and tissue detoxification of the immune system bodies to jointly eradicate cancer cells.
HERBAL CANCER treatment is an alternative treatment that many people use because it proved to be effective, without side effects and relatively cheap cost.
Because cancer itself is a class of diseases, we can conclude that there is no single solution for all treatments. Suggested is to use a combination of cancer-treatment, adjusted for the patient's condition (mental, psychological and financial), type of cancer, location and stage experience.
Success-cancer treatment is very dependent on patience, consistency and the spirit of life of patients. No less important is faith in God and belief that cancer is not the end of everything. CANCER should be recognized as a test of life that there must be a way out.


Cancer Prevention and Therapy Mental

General Prevention
General prevention of cancer is reduced exposure to carcinogenic materials, such as not smoking, avoiding foods high in fat, high fiber foods like vegetables and fruit, physically active life, striving for the ideal body weight, and live a healthy pattern. Prevention can also be done by screening or screening for the possibility of cancer. Cancer screening test is needed to determine the likelihood of cancer so it can reduce the number of deaths from cancer because if cancer is found at a very early stage, where the cancer has not spread further, the cancer usually can be treated and provide optimal results.
Mental Therapy
Some things can be done in terms of mental therapy for cancer are:

* Managing stress
* Recognizing the existence of stress
* Moral support in cancer patients
* Stay active and have fun
* Empathizing (understanding the severity of the mental burden experienced by cancer patients to support the recovery)
* Optimist in running life
* Dispose of revenge and hatred
* Therapy prayer (sn closer to God)


Herbal Medicine in Cancer

Herbal treatment is a treatment using a variety of extracts from plants (medicinal plants), for example, extracts from rat taro (Extract Typhonium Flagelliforme) combined with other natural materials which are processed in a modern way, which can help stimulate blood and tissue detoxification of the immune system bodies to jointly eradicate cancer cells. Herbal Medicine is an alternative treatment that has proven much other than that done by modern medicine / conventional.
The use of herbs to treat cancer do not appear out of nowhere. There are several approaches that underlie the treatment with raw materials, namely sebabagi follows:1. The concept of cancer research that is reversible (can be normal again)
2. The concept of inhibiting cancer growth. Cancer grows because of environmental carcinogens and genetic mutations that support growth. If these environmental carcinogens and removed, cancer growth is inhibited.
3. The concept of cancer cell aging. If growth is inhibited, the cancer cells do not have the opportunity to flourish, then old and die.
4. Reinforce the concept to other cells around the cancer. Developing cancer by attacking cells that are nearby, so that by strengthening the surrounding healthy cells will be formed that can withstand the defense cells of cancer cells.


Conventional Cancer Treatment

- Treatment with Chemotherapy
The working principle of this treatment is to poison or kill cells - cancer cells, controlling the growth of cancer cells and stop its growth so as not to spread or to reduce the symptoms caused by cancer. Chemotherapy is sometimes the first choice to treat cancer. Chemotherapy is a systematic, in contrast with radiation or surgery that is local, so chemotherapy can reach cancer cells that may have spread and spread to other parts of the body. Use of chemotherapy vary in each patient, sometimes as a primary treatment, in other cases made before or after surgery and radiation. The success rate of chemotherapy also varies depending on the type of cancer. Chemotherapy is usually done in hospitals, private clinics, doctor's office, operating room (although rarely done) and also at home (by the nurse, the patient himself, or other family members).
Side effects of chemotherapy is a decrease in the number of blood cells (will be back to normal about a week later), infection (characterized by fever, sore throat, burning sensation when urinating, chills and flushed the wound, swelling, and warmth), anemia, bleeding such as nosebleeds, hair loss, but sometimes there are complaints such as itching and dry skin, nausea and vomiting, dehydration and low blood pressure, constipation / constipation, diarrhea, nervous system disorders.
- Treatment with Radiation Therapy (Radiation)
Radiation therapy is usually done before or after surgery to shrink tumors. Radiation conducted in an attempt to destroy the networks that already have cancer.
Radiation side effects are nausea and vomiting, decreased white blood cell count, infection / inflammation, skin reactions such as sunburn, fatigue, pain in the mouth and throat, diarrhea and can cause baldness.
- Treatment with surgery
Surgery is the treatment of cancer of the oldest. Some cancers are often curable with surgery only if performed at an early stage.
- Treatment with combination therapy
For some cancers, the best treatment is a combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Surgery or radiation to treat cancer, whose land is limited, whereas chemotherapy aimed at killing cancer cells that are beyond the reach of surgery or radiation. Sometimes radiation or chemotherapy before surgery to minimize the size of the tumor or after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells that may remain.


Determining Stage of cancer

If the cancer has been found, inspection of staging (staging) of cancer helps the doctor in planning appropriate treatment and determine prognosis history of the disease. Staging can be done using:
1. Scanning / scanning (eg liver or bone scanning)
2. The coloring of the network so that if there is cancer, pathological tissue can be detected.
3. CT (Computed Tomography) or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
4. Mediastinoskopi
5. Bone marrow biopsy.
Sometimes surgery is needed to determine the stage of the cancer. For example, a surgery (abdominal surgery) allows the surgeon to lift or treat colon cancer, while determines the spread of cancer to nearby lymph nodes.


Cancer Diagnosis

Early Detection of Cancer:

* Efforts to cancer detection to date is with Digital Infrared Imaging Infrared Imaging or Digital (PID). This technique to monitor the health of breast and cervix in women for the presence of precancerous process. PID working principle is that objects at a given temperature will emit radiation of surface waves electromagnetism invisible, where the maximum intensity occurs at a wavelength of infrared light region. Chemical activity and the activity of blood vessels within the tissue surrounding the growing precancerous always higher than normal tissue.

* Some screening tests that can be done at home, such as breast self examination every month really can help women detect breast kaknker.

* Checking the male testicles can help detect cancer early so it can be cured if found at an early stage.

* Check regularly open sores in the mouth existence that is not cured - cured to detect oral cancer at an early stage.


Cancer symptoms

Symptoms of cancer in general that may arise depending on the types or organs affected are:

* Pain can be caused by an expanding tumor push surrounding nerves and blood vessels, immune and inflammatory reactions against growing cancers, and pain is also caused by fear or anxiety.
* Bleeding or unusual discharge, such as saliva, coughing or vomiting, bleeding, constant nosebleeds, nipple fluid that contains blood, bloody fluid which burrow intercourse (between menstrual / menopause) of blood in the stool, blood in urine.
* Changes in bowel habits
* Decrease in body weight rapidly due to less fat and protein (kaheksia)
* Lump in the breast
* Impaired digestion, for example, difficult to swallow continuously.
* Deaf, or the voice - a voice in the ear that had settled.
* The wound is not healed - healed
* Changes in moles or skin striking

Cancer Symptoms typically experienced by cancer type:

* Brain Cancer
Headaches in the morning and decreased at midday, epilepsy, weakness, numbness in arms and legs, difficulty walking, drowsiness, abnormal changes in vision, changes in personality, changes in memory, it is difficult to speak.

* Oral cancer
There are sores in the mouth, tongue and gums that do not heal.

* Throat Cancer
Continuous cough, hoarseness or raspy.

* Lung Cancer
Persistent cough - again, sputum with blood, pain in the chest.

* Breast Cancer
The existence of a lump, thickening of the skin (tickening), change shape, itching - itching, redness, pain not related to breastfeeding or menstruating.

* Digestive tract cancer
The presence of blood in the dirt that is marked with bright red or black, unpleasant taste and hold - again and again in the stomach, lump in the abdomen, pain after eating, weight loss.

* Cancer Womb (uterus)
Bleeding diperiode - coming month period, during menses extravasation unusual and extraordinary pain.

* Ovarian Cancer (ovarian)
In the advanced stage before symptoms appear.

* Colon Cancer
Bleeding in the rectum, there is blood in the dirt, changes in bowel movements (diarrhea continuously or difficult bowel movements).

* Bladder or Kidney Cancer
There was blood in the urine, pain or burning on urination, frequency or difficulty urinating, pain in the bladder.

* Prostate Cancer
Not urinating well, continuous pain in the back waist, penis and upper thigh.

* Cancer scrotal / testicular
The existence of a lump on balls, the size of the shelter on the glans and the enlarged and thickened suddenly, pain in lower abdomen, breasts enlarged or become soft.

* Lymphoma
Lymph nodes enlarged, rubbery, itching - itching, sweating at night to sleep, fever or weight loss for no apparent reason.

* Leukemia
Pallor, chronic fatigue, weight loss, often subject to infection, easily hurt, pain in bones and joints, nosebleeds.

* Skin Cancer
Bumps on the skin which resemble warts (hardens like horns), infection is not cured - cured, the spots change colors and sizes, pain in certain areas, such as discoloration of the skin patches.

* Complications
Frequent complication in cancer patients is an infection that is at an advanced stage of cancer sufferers. Infection occurs due to lack of protein and other nutrition and immune system suppression that often occurs after conventional treatment.

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