
Cancer Diagnosis

Early Detection of Cancer:

* Efforts to cancer detection to date is with Digital Infrared Imaging Infrared Imaging or Digital (PID). This technique to monitor the health of breast and cervix in women for the presence of precancerous process. PID working principle is that objects at a given temperature will emit radiation of surface waves electromagnetism invisible, where the maximum intensity occurs at a wavelength of infrared light region. Chemical activity and the activity of blood vessels within the tissue surrounding the growing precancerous always higher than normal tissue.

* Some screening tests that can be done at home, such as breast self examination every month really can help women detect breast kaknker.

* Checking the male testicles can help detect cancer early so it can be cured if found at an early stage.

* Check regularly open sores in the mouth existence that is not cured - cured to detect oral cancer at an early stage.

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